Ciel is asked to investigate a recurring case, all involving a young bride who has been burned alive in front of her groom during the night in the streets of London. Ciel and Sebastian approach the Scotland Yard for any records, but it is to no help, as they remain classified. Ciel and Sebastian then turn to the Undertaker for information. He shows them a pile of sparkling ashes in a tiny vial. At the funeral, the photographer and his overweight wife, Turner and Margaret, present the groom with the last photograph the couple took together moments before the death of his bride, however the groom drops the frame due to his bandaged hands. Upon further investigation, Ciel and Sebastian find out that all the victims were newlywed women and had gone to the photographer's studio for their wedding picture. Also, the pair discover that the sparkling substance in the ashes of the most recent victim is magnesium powder that is likened to the powder used in flash pans for photography. It is also mentioned that Lau recently sold his largest shipment of magnesium to Turner. When the two arrive at the studio, Margaret destroys the studio by sprinkling powdered magnesium everywhere and ignites it with her camera flash. She has become completely insane because Turner made her life miserable without any passionate love toward her. The Grim Reaper, Grell Sutcliff, then appears and reveals to Ciel and Sebastian that his current assignment is to collect Margaret's soul. Ciel pursues Margaret and finds her atop Big Ben Clock Tower dumping barrels of magnesium powder out the window and into the streets of London. She begins attacking Ciel, but is stopped by Sebastian and Grell before she can do any more damage. When Ciel tries to interrogate her, she suddenly bursts into flames, stating that the man with golden eyes told her to do this in order to find passion. Later, Ciel discovers that the records of the previous cases were classified because the Trancy estate had investigated them. Sebastian explains to Ciel that three years ago, the head of the Trancy family died, leaving his son, Alois Trancy, to take over as Earl and head of the family.